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The Pandas of the Sichuan Reserve (2)
Sidddney Chen
Baby panda enjoys a ride just like human kids.
A 20 year old panda enjoying an apple snack. Pandas, on average, live to about 20 years in the wild and about 30 in captivity, making this quite the mature panda.
The panda used to live in the lowlands. However, due to farming and deforestation, among other developments, they have lost these habitats of old.
Looks uncomfortable, but the panda is intent on getting its nap.
Eating and playing at Sichuan Sanctuary.
Cubs taking a group nap. Cubs are hard to get from pandas in captivity.  Initially the primary method of breeding giant pandas in captivity was by artificial insemination, as they seemed to lose their interest in mating once they were captured.

This led some scientists to try extreme methods such as showing them videos of giant pandas mating and giving the males Viagra. Only recently have researchers started having success with captive breeding programs.
Strike a pose, mr. panda!
Scientists believe the panda first arrived in its present black and white form about 2-3 million years ago.
It was in 1869 that a French missionary,  Armand David, who had come to China to spread christianity, first revealed to the outer world the creature known as the panda bear.
A mother and cub are a common pairing at the Sichuan Sanctuaries.
The scientific name of the panda is Ailuropoda melanoleuca, which means 'black and white cat-footed animal'. Not a very apt description. These three cat-footed animals are munching on some bamboo.
Pandas snuggling and playing at Wolong. The pregnancy of a panda is about 95-160 days following mating. In the wild, only one of the 2 panda cubs will usually survive, and they stay with their mothers for up to 3 years time, which means female wild pandas usually raise only 5-8 children in her life.
A panda will always sit or lie down to eat. Most wild pandas spend all day feeding, sleeping or looking for food. However, unlike other bears from the same kind of climates, they do not hibernate in winter.
A shy baby panda.
Hanging out at Wolong nature reserve.
Conservation of the panda species began in the 1940s in China, while Wolong reserve was created in 1963.
Pandas are the most expensive animal by far for zoos, up to 5 times more than an elephant, the next most expensive animal. American zoos pay the Chinese government $1 million every year to 'lease' the pandas, otherwise they will go back to China.
Although pandas may congregate in groups at times, as much as 28 individuals, they are mostly solitary creatures, which may explain their calm - lots of time for zen.
From all our panda friends - Have a great day!
- The end -
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