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Is this cat going upstairs, or downstairs?
Stella Tse

這張從 9gag 網站張貼的相片,顯示一隻貓在梯間移動,下面有一條問題,就是上樓梯或是下樓梯,結果單是最初張貼的 9gag 網站,就吸引了超過 3700 個留言。不少網民利用自己房子的梯級以及那隻貓向上的尾巴,認為這隻貓正在下樓梯,但很多網民不同意這一點,認為上面的正方形其實是地下,認為這隻貓正在上樓梯,而且向上的尾巴,其實是上樓梯的時候用作平衡用。

My humble opinion is presented below, after the Web picture and text. I think the title is a bit too exaggerated in saying that even experts aren't sure. The answer is pretty obvious after studying the picture of a small little while.

It is clear to me that the cat is going downstairs, i.e. the camera is viewing up.


1.        The left side of the picture shows the side tiles on the left wall used to protect the wall at the side on top each of the step of the stair.


2.        Also the stick-up bar at the edge of each step is the small overhang from the top of the step. It does not make sense that the face of the step you can see in the picture is the top of the step, in which case the cat is going upstairs instead of downstairs, because if there is a pool of water formed on the top of a step, as in a spill or in washing the steps by very wet mobbing, then you would never get rid of the water by letting it flow one down one step. Also, the foot will land on a small stick-up step instead of a flat surface on each step, which obviously is not a good design.

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