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The few who refuse to take life too seriously
Sidddney Chen

A German Retirement Community Did A Calendar Where Seniors Amazingly Re-Created Famous Movie Scenes: The Contilia Retirement Group in Essen, Germany, made what is probably the best calendar ever with a few of their seniors. The oldest senior involved with the calendar was 98 years old (i.e. scroll down to Easy Rider...)! 

James Bond

Wilhelm Buiting, 89


Breakfast at Tiffany’s  

Marianne Brunsbach, 86


According to German press, 5,000 calendars were printed, and were given out to residents of the senior center, along with relatives and staff. 


Erna Rütt, 86, und Alfred Kelbch, 81



Erwin J. von der Heiden, 80


Mary Poppins

Erna Schenk, 78


The Seven Year Itch

Ingeborg Giolbass, 84, und Erich Endlein, 88


Blues Brothers

Lothar Wischnewski (left), 76, and Margarete Schmidt, 77



Martha Bajohr, 77


The calendar models were interviewed about the project and said it was a ton of fun to dress up as their favorite actors. 


Joanna Trachenberg, 81, und Horst Krischat, 78


Saturday Night Fever

Irmgard Alt, 79, und Siegfried Gallasch, 87


The shoot was done with professional stylists and photographers to make sure everything looked as cool as possible. 

Dirty Dancing

Johann Liedtke, 92 und Marianne Pape, 79


Easy Rider

Walter Loeser (left), 98, und Kurt Neuhaus, 90


Kudos to those few who refuse to take life too seriously.

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