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Legal Logic
Sidddney Chan
*A young Law student, having failed his Law exam, goes up to his crusty
old professor, who is renowned for his razor-sharp legal mind.*
*Student: "Sir, do you really understand everything about this
*Professor: "Actually, I probably do. Otherwise I wouldn't be a
professor, would I?" *
*Student: "OK. So I'd like to ask you a question. If you can give me the
correct answer, I will accept my marks as it is. If you can't give me
the correct answer, however, you'll have to give me an "A". *
*Professor: "Hmmmm, alright. So what's the question?"*
*Student: "What is legal but not logical, logical but not legal, and
neither logical nor legal?"*
*The professor wracks his famous brain, but just can't crack the answer.
Finally he gives up and changes the student's failing mark into an "A"
as agreed, and the student goes away, very pleased. *
*The professor continues to wrack his brain over the question all
afternoon, but still can't get the answer. So finally he calls in a group of his
brightest students and tells them he has a really, really tough question
to answer: "What is legal but not logical, logical but not legal, and
neither logical nor legal?" *
*To the professor's surprise (and embarrassment), all the students
immediately raise their hands.*
*"All right" says the professor and asks his favourite student to
*"It's quite easy, sir" says the student "You see, you are 75 years old
and married to a 30 year old woman, which is legal, but not logical. Your
wife has a 22 year old lover, which is logical, but not legal. And your
wife's lover failed his exam but you've just given him an "A", which is neither
legal, nor logical."*
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