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Drone skydance
Stella Tse

This 100 Drone Synchronized Airshow is The World's Largest, and most Impressive (2 Min 25 Sec)


Drones have a lot of people worried about privacy, but they can be used for good as well as nefarious purposes.


100 small aircrafts being launched skywards in formation has earned a new Guinness World Record for the Most Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) airborne simultaneously.


Controlled on the ground by a crew using PCs with Intel software, the mass of drones lit up the night sky in sync to a live performance of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and executed a stunning light show resembling a fireworks display.


Drone 100” took place at Flugplatz Ahrenlohe, Tornesch, Germany, in November 2015.

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