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Stupid Idiot Me Too

今早看明報, 才知庭拍的大姐原來是悉尼讀過書的, 完成大學及碩士學位, 啲英文就失禮死人。



近日時常為了母語而論爭, 講唔掂咪出母語囉, 一樣會受到尊重喎, 想練習講英文, 彌補讀書嗰陣錯失了機會, 都要睇場合啊, 大姐! 講英文都唔可以purge the contempt, 當乜事都無發生過。

上一篇引用了2011年英國一宗庭拍案, 大姐是悉尼浸過洋湯的, 我就找件悉尼庭拍案來講, 也是發生在2011, 也是Chinese Australian, 同胞真的無處不在, 無處不拍。

SHE went to court out of curiosity, to see how the Australian legal system works.

But within days, the 30-year-old Chinese-Australian had been on bail, had narrowly escaped a conviction for contempt of court and had her fingerprints taken by the police.

All she had done was to enter a Downing Centre courtroom and use her phone to take a picture of the jury, which included her best friend's husband. A member of the jury noticed it and sent a note alerting the judge, who charged her with contempt of court.

Before she knew it, her phone had been confiscated, she was addressed by the judge, placed on bail and told to seek legal representation.

A sheriff examined her phone and found a photo showing at least nine jury members - a serious offence because their identity is protected by law.

The District Court judge James Bennett stopped the woman explaining, fearing she might say something that could prejudice her case. But an explanation soon came in a second note from the jury.


(A quick click or two in court lands a young woman in the nick)

Sydney Morning Herald 的標題用了in the nick, 即是入牢籠的意思。悉尼這被告幸運, 新南威爾斯的法官有權定罪後不留案底, 香港法官在《罪犯自新條例》生效之後, 已無這權力, 被告就要等3年才可以洗底。藐視法庭罪是會存入刑事紀錄資料庫的recordable offence。大姐, stupid idiot 要付出代價的。

標少英文差, 豈敢五十笑百, 但庭拍大姐擘頭就來一句 I am Chinese, !  有特權呀? 除非當時Bunny仔在庭上, 否則邊個唔係Chinese? 定係阿大姐想話自己係表姐, 所以唔識規矩,  睇落都唔似喇,  缺乏表達能力的牙尖嘴利, 答非所問。讀乜書? 問你點解影相, 唔係問你哲學思想, 九唔答八, 講乜"Everyone should be fair"To be fair, 除非庭拍大姐是指兩個茂里律師都可以庭拍, 點解我唔得? 這又使我想起阿Q要摸小尼姑個光頭, 那番大義凜然的道理。

真假對錯一時也說不清, 我罵她stupid idiot之餘, err on the side of caution, 我都要來句Me Too, 先鋪條後路, 以免日後給人捅出瘀事而貽笑大方。Stupid idiot, me too.
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