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昨天看到司法機構上載一宗申請保釋的雜項申請判決書: HKSAR and Ng Chun Wai, 被告是理大會計系4年級生, 涉嫌藏燃燒彈被扣押, 控方一直反對保釋, 他向高院申請也失敗。申請時代表律師的理據由杜麗冰法官描述如下:
4. The applicant is a 22 year‑old student studying at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, I am told that he is a fourth‑year accounting student and lives with his mother and two sisters, and he has a clear record.

5. Counsel for the applicant, Mr Li, submitted that there is no risk whatsoever of the applicant absconding because he was born and bred in Hong Kong and he sees his future in Hong Kong.

6. Mr Li also submitted that it is difficult for the prosecution to prove that the articles enumerated in the charge ie the glass bottle with the cloth stopper, the lighter fluid and the hammer could be classified as offensive weapons. And that although the items were found in the backpack carried by the applicant, it is still for the prosecution to prove that the applicant knew the presence of the articles in his backpack and intended to possess them. Thus Mr Li submitted the case is not a strong one against the applicant.
"He sees his future in Hong Kong"豈不叫人心傷感。22歲就搞成這樣, 還有前途可言嗎? 究竟是他們盲目無知沒想過犯法的後果, 抑或以為訴求得逞/革命成功就會論功行賞, 撈不一到一官半職案底也可一筆勾消? 
早幾天大馬爺講今天的學生將來的領袖的質素, 不是講革命領袖, 搞武裝革命的人要留待法庭判案才去講的。而且, 別幻想以為可以遇到個「黃」官便有運行, 近日這些私了、縱火、擲氣油彈、破壞交通設施和商鋪行為, 必然會被法庭厚待, 連我頗不喜歡、被我視為放官的杜官也在判詞中講: "Against this, is also the background of the recent disturbances where many petrol bombs have been thrown indiscriminately in the streets of Hong Kong.""There is also no doubt that if the applicant is convicted after trial of such an offence, it is likely that he may receive a sentence which would carry a deterrent effect although it is his first offence."
我再三勸籲抗爭的人要守法, 守法的人不用聽我講, 不守法的人自己會找到不守法的支持, 總有一大堆justifications出自議員、資深大律師及學者等的口, 成為助燃劑。但他們自己或其家人有去暴動、放火、擲汽油彈嗎? 如果沒有, 很明顯他們自己心中畫了一條不能踰越的死綫, 那就是法律框架。漸漸浮現的是, 這些勇武的人陸續面對刑事檢控, 像這會計生,  他的前途就要由監牢開始, 扣押一段時間後會獲得保釋候審, 然後就又再等待監獄之門為君開, 他的前途可能就此埋沒了, 為的是甚麼? 最刺耳的是那些滿口粗言穢語, 我出來為你爭取云云。拜託, 你先顧惦自己喇, 或者顧埋屋企裏面年紀不小的老豆老母, 靠你畢業出身幫家就死人喇, 上高院申請保釋又一筆律師費, 不是不成功不收費的。最重要的是, 值得嗎? 瘋癲過後就會開始憂鬱了, 擔驚受恐怕被拘捕檢控, 講到尾一大堆精神問題, 這才是問題。暴動、破壞、縱火、擲汽油彈都上了癮, 最後坐牢也上癮。
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