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Stuffed up

悉尼春天花粉多, 容易使人打噴嚏及鼻塞。The nose is stuffed up. 本是小事一樁, 吃點抗敏的藥或洗鼻就可舒緩, 但在疫情下, 難免使人疑神疑鬼。不過, 在悉尼要找個新冠檢測中心驗下也很方便, 有些可以駕車前往, 不用下車, 只坐在車上檢測的。今天傳媒報導, 自爆疫以來, 澳洲超過一百萬人因此尋求精神治療 (Coronavirus Australia live: One million seek mental health treatment during pandemic):

As the coronavirus crisis continues to wreak havoc across Australia and the world, a new health crisis has emerged.

Newly-revealed figures obtained by The Australian have shown the nation is in the grip of a mental health emergency alongside the pandemic, with more than one million Australians seeking help since the coronavirus outbreak began.

The problem is most acute in Victoria, with residents of that state three times as likely to access mental health services in recent weeks.
澳洲人口2500萬, 截至今早, 確診新冠人數是27, 317人, 康復人數24, 888, 死亡899人, 精神問題成為新疫症, 不能掉以輕心。

澳洲政壇正值多事之秋, 早兩天新南威爾斯省長Gladys Berejiklian被傳召到ICAC聽證會作證, 涉及前男友的貪污指控, 捅出了一些兩人之間被ICAC竊聽的電話對話, 省長不能抵賴, 她解釋: I stuffed up in my personal life。這stuffed up不是鼻塞, 而是一團糟。對話內容沒有顯示省長涉及貪污, 沒有collusion, 但明顯是connivance, 隻眼開隻眼閉。省長外貌像貓頭鷹, 政績很好, 做事斬釘截鐵, 抗疫成績超卓, 此役卻萬刼不復。我時常覺得政客像做plumber, 挖出來的都臭氣薰天。省長的誠信掃地, 百功不能抵一過, she must go. 這裏不是美國, Donald Trump一個大話冚一個大話, 還可以有一大堆支持者。My head is stuffed up whenever I see him brag. 

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