回應 : 2



實在每一個人都有這一間銀行,就是「時間」! 每一天我們都有 86,400秒可以使用,當那一天完結的時候,沒有好好運用的時間,都是我們的損失,一切都會失去不能保留 


  • 要知道一年的時間有多重要 ,試問一個考升級試不及格的學生;
  • 要知道一個月的時間有多重要 ,試問一個生了未足月或過期嬰孩的母親;
  • 要知道一個星期的時間有多重要 ,試問一個辦週刊的編輯;
  • 要知道一天的時間有多重要 ,試問一個靠日薪養妻活兒的工人;
  • 要知道一個鐘頭的時間有多重要 ,試問一對等候雙方見面的戀人;
  • 要知道一分鐘的時間有多重要 ,試問一個趕不到入閘上飛機的人;
  • 要知道一秒鐘的時間有多重要 ,試問一個差一步就會踫上意外的人;
  • 要知道十份一秒鐘的時間有多重要 ,試問一個在世運會只取得銀牌的賽跑選手。 




  • 摩西在何烈山牧羊(出埃及記3:1- 2);
  • 基甸在打麥子(士師記6:11-12);
  • 大衛在放羊(撒母耳記上16:11-13);
  • 以利沙用十二對牛耕地(列王紀上19:19);
  • 彼得和安得烈在海裏撒網(馬太福音4:18);
  • 雅各和約翰在船上補網(馬太福音4:21);
  • 利未坐在稅關收稅(馬可福音2:14);
  • 保羅忙於逼害基督徒(使徒行傳9:1-9)。 
















回應 / 意見
1. 港人 2020-12-14 13:10:12

Report: Church of England failed to tackle child sex abuse

An independent report says the Church of England allegedly failed to protect children and young people from sexual predators for decades, preferring instead to protect its own reputation, and created a culture where abusers were able to hide


LONDON -- The Church of England failed to protect children and young people from sexual predators for decades, preferring instead to safeguard its own reputation, and created a culture where abusers were able to hide, an independent report said Tuesday.


The report, published by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, also found examples of clergymen being ordained despite a history of child sexual offenses.


The inquiry heard that, from the 1940s to 2018, 390 people who were either members of the clergy or in positions of trust associated with the church had been convicted of sexual offences against children.


The report found that, in many cases, the Church of England failed to take the abuse allegations seriously, and that perpetrators were given more support than victims.


Over many decades, the Church of England failed to protect children and young people from sexual abusers, instead facilitating a culture where perpetrators could hide and victims faced barriers to disclosure that many could not overcome,the inquirys chairwoman, Alexis Jay, wrote.


The report said sometimes sexual offenses were minimized. Citing the case of Reverend Ian Hughes, who was convicted in 2014 of downloading 8,000 indecent images of children, the report said that a fellow clergyman, Bishop Peter Foster, suggested to the inquiry that Hughes had been misled into viewing child pornography” — even though more than 800 of the images were graded at the most serious level of abuse.


The Church of England acknowledged Tuesday that progress has been too slow in supporting abuse victims and survivors, and said it was completely committedto improving this.


The report makes shocking reading and while apologies will never take away the effects of abuse on victims and survivors, we today want to express our shame about the events that have made those apologies necessary,it said in a statement. The whole Church must learn lessons from this inquiry.


The church announced last month that it had set up a large compensation fund for survivors of past abuse by members of the clergy.


The report came after the inquiry held several public hearings in 2018 and 2019. The inquiry last year published a linked report focusing on disgraced bishop Peter Ball, who was imprisoned in 2015 for sexually abusing 18 young men over three decades.

The New York Times

2. 麥文本 2020-12-14 15:08:47


1: 人性的本質而世界毫無祕密隱而未現的罪遲早會公諸於世林肯亦曾說你可以蒙騙全世界的人一段很短的時間,或者永遠蒙騙一小部份的人,但是你不能永遠蒙騙全世界的人。」所以人須要悔改認罪接受耶穌做救主

2: 聖經的主要人物包括摩西大衛及彼得亦曾犯罪然而聖經沒有抑惡揚善清楚地將每一個人的罪行列出然後說明神怎樣懲治這就是天理

3: 所以未信奉耶穌的要快信已經信奉耶穌的要堅信



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