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Don't ever believe this.. the one thing Chinese are very good at, is to put in "very loaded" statement that meant exactly the opposite of what's stated.. 
She is just saying "I will remember you for your "kindness".. in inverted commas". 
Let me put it this way .. you can already see this in the Chinese Foreign Ministry reaction as soon as she landed on Shenzhen ..
This whole matter took on an urgency to settlement after Biden's call And in fact the terms of the settlement is at best a face-saving device for US and Canada... she gave them nothing.
But Canada is now the biggest loser.
Huawei has stopped their operations there .. so many employees will be kicked out .. last estimate 4500. Also they have pulled out all their patents licensing for 5G there which means Canada will not get 5G easily.. if they want to develop their own it will be 7G by then.
Further, it's a clear signal to the world that the Chinese government, all the way to the top, will stand by her citizen .. 
For that matter they treated this matter with such importance that CGTN was tracking her arrival by "live stream" even announcing when she entered Chinese air space..
 The case is a big farce.. and _it showed up what Anglo’s justice is all about.
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