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外國研究中國強大的理由,可以保存,幾年後再印証 ‼️


1.   堅持社會主義,但不排斥資本主義,堅持黨的領導,但不排斥黨派監督 

2.   適用型經濟模式,世界罕見。既不是公有制經濟,也不是市場經濟,這種混搭模式十分有效 

3.   全民愛國,十分罕見。他們也在內吵,但一遇外敵,沒人號召,十四億人一致對外。區區薩德事件,讓韓國失去五分之二市場 

4.   高層一心為民,世界罕見。去農稅、扶貧、抗災古今中外絕無僅有,他們盡心盡力 

5.   中國領導選拔機制世界罕見。中國高級領導選用,要用十多年時間考察,沒有任何利益集團可以左右 

6.   舉國機制世界罕見。中國想做任何他們認為重要的事情,沒有做不成的,因為他們可以不受任何阻擋地舉全國之財力、人力、物力去辦 

7.   新一代年輕人正在成為棟樑。在中國的航太航空、核能,電子,晶片,高鐵等領域,擔綱者平均年齡只有39.4歲,他們中40%是回國留學生 

8.   中國有世界最完整的工業體系。從製造一根針到製造航空母艦,從設計到成品,如果他們願意,不需要任何外力 

9.   中國有龐大的金融庫存。中國有近4萬億美元儲備,購買了美債2.1萬億,財政盈存,銀行存款和其它儲備共約八萬億人民幣。其金融現實能力是歐美日俄的總和 

10.  中國品牌創新世界罕見。世界把個體優秀產品稱為品牌,而中國則把一種嶄新經營模式作為品牌,電商,支付寶,美團他們在很短的時間裡創造出的經營模式創造出罕見的價值 

11.  中國有罕見的宏觀調控能力。亞洲金融風暴和美國製造的次貸危機,都沒有對中國形成衝擊,而且他本身可能形成的危機亦很快被消減 

12.  中國有龐大的市場。他完全可以靠自我消費而推動市場,同時,他可以淹沒他們認為有害的市場 

13.  中國把事情想到幾十後,這是世界獨一無二的。中國有五年、十年規劃,一帶一路,可能是五十年規劃。這種預想預判預設的能力,是應對任何各種危機的基礎 

14.  好的決策代代相傳,世界罕見。在許多國家,一個總統一個想法,在中國,一句為人民服務,改革開放,用了幾十年,而且代代用代代靈,周恩來的萬隆會的和平共處五項外交政策,至今亦是中國外交原則。這是守信負責任大國的體現 

15.  中國龐大的各方面的基礎設施發展實力,誰亦無法撼動!中國近40年的發展,她不是某個方面的發展,而是綜合的發展,即便不是世界最好的,但絕對是世界最具潛力的…… 


Recently, some famous European and American university experts and scholars conducted discussions on the issue of China's "threat" in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and their conclusions are excerpted below: 

1.   Adhere to socialism, but do not exclude capitalism, adhere to party leadership, but do not exclude party supervision. 

2.   Applicable economic model, rare in the world.  Neither a publicly owned economy nor a market economy, this mashup model is very effective. 

3.   It is very rare for all people to love the country.  They also quarreled inside, but when they encountered an external enemy, no one called for it, and 1.4 billion people unanimously went outside.  The THAAD incident caused South Korea to lose two-fifths of its market. 

4.   High-level people are dedicated to the people, rare in the world.  Going to agricultural taxation, poverty alleviation, disaster relief...It is unique in ancient and modern China and abroad, and they do their best. 

5.   Chinese leadership selection mechanism is rare in the world.  The selection of senior Chinese leaders will take more than ten years to investigate, and no interest group can influence it. 

6.   The national mechanism is rare in the world.  China wants to do whatever they think is important, and there is nothing impossible, because they can use the nation's financial, human, and material resources to do it without any obstacles. 

7.   The new generation of young people are becoming pillars.  In China's aerospace, nuclear energy, electronics, chips, high-speed rail and other fields, the average age of those in charge is only 39.4 years old, and 40% of them are overseas students returning home. 

8.   China has the world's most complete industrial system.  From manufacturing a needle to manufacturing an aircraft carrier, from design to finished product, they do not need any external force if they wish. 

9.   China has a huge financial inventory.  China has nearly 4 trillion U.S. dollars in reserves, purchased 2.1 trillion U.S. bonds, and has fiscal surplus deposits. Bank deposits and other reserves total about 8 trillion yuan.  Its financial reality is the sum of Europe, America, Japan and Russia. 

10.  Chinese brand innovation is rare in the world.  The world refers to individual excellent products as brands, while China regards a brand-new business model as a brand, e-commerce, Alipay, Meituan...the business model they created in a short period of time creates rare value. 

11.  China has rare macro-control capabilities.  Neither the Asian financial turmoil nor the subprime mortgage crisis created by the United States had an impact on China, and the crises that it might have created were quickly reduced. 

12.  China has a huge market.  He can completely rely on self-consumption to drive the market, and at the same time, he can flood the market that they think is harmful. 

13.  After China thinks of things dozens of times, this is unique in the world.  China has a five-year or ten-year plan. The Belt and Road Initiative may be a 50-year plan.  This ability to anticipate, predict and presuppose is the basis for dealing with any crisis. 

14.  Good decisions are passed on from generation to generation, rare in the world.  In many countries, one president has one idea. In China, one sentence serves the people and reforms and opening up. It has been used for decades, and generations of spirits are used for generations. Zhou Enlai’s Bandung Club’s five foreign policies for peaceful coexistence are still China.  Diplomatic principles.  This is the embodiment of a responsible and trustworthy power. 

15.  China's huge infrastructure development strength in various aspects can not be shaken by anyone!  China's development in the past 40 years is not a certain aspect of development, but a comprehensive development. Even if it is not the best in the world, it is definitely the world's most potential...



(文意來源: 網絡文章)
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